Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Travel Agencies-World Wide Travel Agencies and Indian Travel Agencies

The world has shrunk with improved means of transport in the face of advancing science and technology and traveling to distant places is no longer a tough task. Man is no longer confined one place and country as he has more money at his disposal and he ready to spend on visiting many places and enjoy life in all its aspects. To plan one's trip is not a difficult one as that job has been taken over by travel agencies. What is their role and what are their services have to be examined.

Aims or purposes of travel

One can travel to a new place, a nation or a continent for the sole purpose of seeing new people and new places of historical interest . For gaining employment opportunities people move to other nations and they are ready to settle there . The Information revolution is the basic cause that has brought all countries closer . Business travel has become common after globalization and the world is moving towards one society . Mass migration and the growth of multinational companies and the fast spreading business activities have necessitated traveling an unavoidable one . Travel Agencies play a leading role in ticketing and arranging for accommodation for people who wish to travel around the world .

Travel Agents or Agencies

A travel agent is a link between the operator of services and the travelers . He sells tickets and makes reservations and arranges conducted tours taking on the responsibility of arranging every thing from the time of departure to the time of arrival . They are in a way responsible for growth of tourism like medical tourism, business tourism, etc . They have come out with travel diaries, travel guides and package tours .

Functions of travel agencies

The first and foremost function of the travel agencies is to plan beforehand and conceive different package tours suitable to different pockets . He must plan in such way keeping in his mind the available time, the limit of holidays or seasons and the seasonal changes . Secondly, he must obtain tickets for travel covering long distances. Thirdly if the travel is meant for a new country, he must make previous arrangements for visas and other required documents .

He is expected to keep the necessary particulars at his finger tips. Fourthly previous preparations must be done for accommodation in new countries . Fifthly he must render services as desired by his customers . He must see to it that his plans do not go awry. He

It is required to be good mannered and pleasing in tone and approaches gifted with the power of winning over people to his side ; it is an art to woo people and convince them of one 's point of view without losing business.

World Wide Travel Agencies and Indian Travel Agencies :

Some of the World wide Travel Agencies are to be mentioned so as to throw light on facts how they exist to do an excellent job ; World Wide Travel Agency, STA Travel Agency (US), Travel Overland ( Germany), Follow me (Germany) and so on. Likewise there are very good Air travel services and travel agencies, namely, Air , Indian Airlines, Jet Airways, Sahara India Airlines, Indian Airways, Train W India and Travel India.

To travel across the country:

Global travel agencies work round the clock in order to make people travel across the country and in this regard one shining example can be cited here . It is the credibility and capability of travel agencies to ensure travel to be successful in all possible ways . One such agency is the most well known travel agency by name . Their work comprises under several classifications. i) listed countries ii) agency information iii) promotions iv)travel related v) travel service. Under these headings they divide their tasks and do valuable services for the sake of tourism which is a vital source of national income in many countries. They deal with each particular very minutely. Ticketing is a great art as many people wick bargain and try to settle down for a fare of their liking and it is his business to bring him to agree with his point of view and sell the tickets . Tickets may be lost requiring replacement by duplicates. Booking of tickets or cancellation of them and furnishing details are not easy as they are nerve racking .

Indian Travel Services

Air India and Indian Airlines do superb work being role models to other Agencies. The Air India symbol Maharaja is a great symbol of attraction right from the inception. For the past seventy five years their service to the nation is remarkable. It is also hailed as one of the best 500 airways throughout the world. It has also succeeded in Fuel Hedging Limits .From A to VIt covers so many cities in the world keeping in view the time factor . From Abu Dhabi to Viennacity almost 50 cities are touched in the sky by Air India. How they tackle a situation is a marvelous job as they are careful and tactful in every thing; arrival, departure, missing baggage, and cargo tracking . They are very keen in informing people with regard to time table; seat availability, flying returns mileage, and the booking status . Like all other reputed global airways, they advertise to book tickets online as it becomes the present trend. The fog has become the first hurdle during the winter days and Air Indiacountry-region> has devised a new plan to overcome it on the way .

Jet Airways:

Jet Airways is doing commendable job right from booking ticket down to leaving the airport after the travel is over Their route network has expanded and gained the most prestigious Air Transport World Award for Marketing Development. They are proud of having the youngest fleet of Aircraft in India, consisting of modern airbus and Boeings in India. The ISO 9001 certification is also achieved for their in flight services .

Whether it is Air travel or bus journey, customer satisfaction has much to make an organization successful and that is possible if only there is dedicated staff willing to grow with the concern and in these days of competition careful planning is needed keeping in mind the various factors like increasing fuel cost and over head charges . These competitions among the various travel agencies have brought about better services being rendered by the agencies. This in turn has made the customer feel more satisfied.

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